Uniting Voices in our Calls for a Dog Meat Free Indonesia

Uniting Voices in our Calls for a Dog Meat Free Indonesia

Added on Monday, 11 December 2017
10th December, Surabaya: Our friends from animal protection groups in Surabaya (East Java) took to the streets to make their voices heard in joining our calls for a “Dog Meat Free Indonesia”!

Huge thanks to Surabaya Save Paws, Surabaya Dog Lovers, Loving Dog's Community, Independent Dogs Lover, Surabaya Animal Care Community and Surabaya Cat lovers for organising the march and for helping to raise vital public and political awareness of the plight of the tens of thousands of dogs slaughtered each week in Indonesia.



In Bobby’s Honour

We found Bobby sitting in a wire cage in a busy dog meat market in North Sulawesi whilst we were conducting investigations in December 2017. He was surrounded by scenes from a horror movie, and the terror in his eyes was haunting. We knew we couldn’t leave him.

It breaks our heart that he left this world too soon, but he left having known love and with a name. And in his name, we will never give up until the dog and cat meat trades end throughout Indonesia.

Hero’s Story

The Dog Meat Free-Indonesia coalition spent many long and heartbreaking months investigating the inner-workings of the dog meat trade throughout Indonesia. As people who do what we do because we care so passionately about animals, doing investigations never gets any easier. It is soul-destroying and heart-breaking, but essential in documenting the reality of the trade so that we are best-positioned to fight it, and to ultimately realise our goal of ending the dog meat trade.

But we always save those we can…

On one particular day, we had the chance to save a dog who we named 'Hero'.

Change is coming in Indonesia and throughout Asia… Never before has the dog meat trade or the consumption of dog meat been questioned the way it is now. People are turning their backs on a trade and a practice that can no longer hide behind a defense of ‘culture’ or ‘tradition’.